
Sunday, December 6, 2015

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Alcohol has become part of people daily life. In some cases, there are some people addicted to alcohol that lead to some health problems. When it’s occurring, it’s time for you to stop and start to look for treatment. In the U.S, through Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of U.S Department of Health and Human Services offers drug and alcoholic treatment facilities. In general, the overall program includes:

Pict Alcoholic by model via rehab-international.org
Individual and Groups Counseling
Counseling in the individual level focuses on reducing or stopping substance use, recovery plan, skill building, and family, social, and professional outcomes. The group counseling is an addition which provides social reinforcement to achieve individual recovery goals. The professional counselors also provide a variety of therapies include cognitive-behavioral therapy, contingency management, motivational enhancement therapy, and 12-step facilitation therapy.

Inpatient and Residential Settings
The inpatient and residential sessions provide treatment facilities with a broader behavioral health focus or specialized units from hospitals. The program is divided into two-terms, longer and shorter term residential treatment. The longer term focuses on changing the individual’s behaviors in a highly structured setting. This treatment is usually uncommon and takes about six to twelve months. The shorter term focuses on detoxification, provide intensive treatment, and preparation for community-based settings return.

There are alternative treatments include partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient treatment. First, people will attend regular and intensive treatment sessions for multiple times a week. After completing the intensive treatment, they can step down with less and fewer hours per week in order to achieve their recovery goals.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
The medication model is combined with counseling and behavioral therapies. It has been primarily use for opioid use disorders, alcohol use disorders, and other substance use disorders. For alcoholic treatment, Acamprosate is used to reduce the symptoms of protracted withdrawal. This medication has been successfully help individuals who have reached abstinence to go on for several weeks until months. Naltrexone is used to reduce craving for alcohol, while disulfiram help to change the way the body metabolizes alcohol. If a person takes the medication while keep consuming alcohol, she/he will feel an unpleasant reaction includes nausea, flushing, and other symptoms. 

Recovery Support Services
Along with the treatment, these non-clinical services give support to individuals in achieving their recovery goals. The services include peer-to-peer services-mentoring-coaching, parenting education, self-help and support, and also many more. Peers supports are the most influencing in the mutual-support groups. Peers, individuals in recovery, will use their experiences to help the other individuals working towards recovery. They provide treatment plans to reduce or stop the alcohol use. They also provide a ready community for individuals who want to change their lifestyles without alcohol.  

Resources for Specific Substance Use Disorders
SAMHSA also offers guidelines or manual as resources for specific substance use disorders include alcohol use disorders. It will provide information for individuals to search more about medication to treat their alcoholism. The received treatment for each person can be different depends on how long and intense the use of alcohol. The longer and more intense use, the longer and more intense treatment you may get. By self-knowledge, they will know what kind of treatment and how long they will take earlier.

In 2014, National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data showed that there are 21.2 million Americans ages 12 and older need drug and alcoholic treatment, but only 2.5 million of people received the treatment. It showed that there are still lots of people need the treatment. By these programs, the U.S government wants to promote public health to their people especially to recover the substance use disorders.
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