
Friday, February 26, 2016

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How to remove acne scars are questions to many people who would like to get smooth and silky skin. If you would like to be a super star, you should remove acne scars on your skin. Otherwise, your face will be a little bit strange if your body shape is already great. People with oily skin will have acnes easily since their face produce skin in access amount. Therefore, they are getting acnes easily. Some acne is easy to clean up and some are not. Stubborn acnes need regular treatment and scar need natural treatment to make it disappear time by time.
Treatment for Acne: How to Remove Acne Scars
How to Remove Acne Scars via fashiongetup.com
However, prevention of acne is better than having scar. You need to clean up your face at least twice in a day. Wash your face after facing with dust or doing activity in the outdoor. Do not try to use hand to push acne out of their place before the time since it will leave dark scar. It can create inflammation for the skin surround the acne. Of course, you need to use moisturizer to protect from direct sun light. Bring own umbrella, hat to cover your face from UV. If your face already has acne, you can use lemon juice to be a good treatment. This fruit is rich with collagen and vitamin C since it can make scar get lighter. You can apply it in the morning and do not expose to sunlight. Use cotton ball and apply in the scar.

Do these ways regularly for a month and you can see the changes. You can do this twice a day in the morning and before sleeping. You can add with vitamin E in the night to be a night cream for fixing your face. Your skin will become smooth and lighter in the morning. Furthermore, you can make a lemon masker once a week. It is so simple. Just take a lemon juice mix with almond or olive oil, honey and milk. This is very effective to get clean and clearer skin. You can see the result within 2 weeks only. For removing acne scar, you can use pure honey and placing on the scars. Let it dry for the night and wash your face in the next morning.

Some people do not like this way since it is quite sticky to use honey. Buy you can mix with cinnamon powder and oatmeal to create night cream for cleaning acne scar. Of course, you should do it regularly every night to get the real result within 2 weeks. If you are hard to do this overnight, let the honey is absorbed by skin for 30 minutes before washing your face.

Olive Oil and Aloe Vera Treatment
Another alternative is using Aloe Vera. This is a very wonderful way to smoothen your skin. It can create new tissues on the face to remove acne scar. You can peel the Aloe Vera into 2 parts and take the flash to apply on the face. Let it dry for 30 minutes before washing it. Also, you can do this twice a day since it will not give bad effect. Your skin will show the changes and become so youthful. If you like to use olive oil for massage then you should do the same for your face. This oil contains with vitamin E, C, A, D even B1 plus B2. You can apply olive oil anytime since the smell is good. Massage some minutes to let the oil come into the pores and let it for a half hour before washing with cool water. You can apply in another part of your body to get how to remove acne scars.

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