
Sunday, November 15, 2015

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Diet is the popular word for us. It is kind of health program related to nutrition supplying that should be passed by people. There are also thousand literally types of it. You can find a lot of types of this program. People have different mission of this program. For example, they want to weight loss, gain weight, lower cholesterol, lives a long, and other healthy lifestyles program.

We can take a sample of Mediterranean diet. It can refer to the culinary habits of Southern European. Its word is derived from Old French. It is diete. Meanwhile in Medieval Latin, it is called as dieta. What does it mean? It means daily food allowance. Besides that, this program can be described as a course set of eating and drinking with certain amount of food. This eating plan will achieve weight loss or a healthy program.
Illustration Body Diet via calisthenicsnederland.nl
There are a lot of types of diet. Do you want to know about them? If you want to know about them, keep reading below! Here are some popular types of diet program. Check them only here!

Atkins Type
Well, this type is made by Atkins Nutritional Approach program. This program focuses on controlling of your insulin level in your body. As we know that if we consume high amount of carbohydrates, of course it will increase our insulin level rapidly. Increasing insulin level will trigger your bodies to amass energy much. Then, it will also make your body amass fat on high level. That’s why you have to decrease insulin amount of your daily food menus. That’s why in this program, people will change carbohydrate to protein supplying.

Zone Type
This is the program that plans the nutritional balance. There should be 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat for each time you eat. Besides controlling nutritional balance, you also will control insulin level on your body. It will be the successful weight loss program and control for you. For your information, this program encourages the good quality consumption of carbohydrates. For example, we can find unrefined carbohydrates from olive oil, nuts, and avocado.

Vegetarian Type
The third program you can take is vegan program. There are actually several types of vegetarian. You can find lacto, fruitarian, lacto-ovo, and living food vegetarian. Besides that, you can also take ovo, pesco, and semi- vegetarian.

Meanwhile for the majority of vegetarians, you can find lacto ovo vegetarians. In other hand, they will not eat animal based foods. But, they still eat honey, eggs, and dairy products. There are studies that proved that vegetarian is the best way to lower weight. It will also make you free from diseases suffering. Last, vegetarian will live longer than common people.

Well, this program only plans for health reasons. Besides that, it can be also aimed for ethical environment. Some vegetarians believe that modern lifestyle is for environment. There are also modern methods of intensive farming that will be unsustainable in the long term. This plan will make you only take benefits from plants based food. Then, animal will not be consumed on high numbers. That’s why we can get healthier mental and environment. So, you can try this kind weight loss program for your best option.

Weight Watchers Program
The last type of diet that can be chosen is weight watchers. This program will require you to do some exercises to weight loss. There is weight watcher community that can be followed by its dietarians. After that, there will be some programs you can pass together till your weight lost successfully. Finally, those are some best popular type of diet.
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